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Fundraising Events

Special Olympics North Dakota (SOND) hosts a variety of fundraising events throughout the state to raise funds and awareness to benefit our athletes. Our main fundraising events include:

  • Dancing for Special Stars:  Similar to the hit TV series "Dancing with the Stars," Special Olympics' Dancing for Special Stars teams up a dance instructor with a local celebrity to raise funds for Special Olympics' programming. Event is held in April in Grand Forks. To volunteer as a dancer or to sponsor the event, please give us a call.
  • Golf Classics:  Special Olympics hosts an annual golf tournament in Fargo in June each year. In addition to enjoying a wonderful afternoon on the greens, a silent auction is held at each event, offering participants yet another opportunity to make the day memorable. 

We're looking for participants and sponsors and have events directly tied to your unique interests. To participate in these fundraisers or to create one of your own to benefit Special Olympics, please contact our office by email at or by phone at (701) 746-0331.

Upcoming Events:

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