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Fit Feet

Special Olympics Fit Feet is a free podiatric screening for participating Special Olympics athletes evaluating ankles, feet, lower extremity biomechanics, and proper shoe and sock gear. In partnership with the International Federation of Podiatrists (FIP) and the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, Fit Feet also provides referrals for those participating Special Olympics that require follow up services.

At a Fit Feet event, athletes are screened by podiatrists and podiatry students and educated on their correct shoe size as well as nail and skin care.


Fit Feet screenings throughout the US has indicated that a large number of Special Olympics athletes have untreated foot conditions.

  • 58% have gait abnormalities
  • 44% have skin and nail conditions
  • 24% have bone deformation
  • 41% of Special Olympics athletes in the U.S. are wearing the wrong size shoe

Check our Event Calendar for the next available Fit Feet screening!

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